
by befriendly



The first such app where the only currency is exchange. In this app, users cangive away, give away anything that is no longer used or used in their home, but it can be given to someone elseto be a long sought after item. The application not only allows you to give or gift things, but also to discover themwhat you need These are various things, clothes, perfumery, toys or even food products, toolets not rule out the possibility of large, grandiose exchanges such as residential houses, homesteads orcars. Users themselves choose what they exchange things for. This app has something for everyonefor the consumer to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable tomorrow. Ease of use of the app will help youintroduce the idea of ​​"zero waste" into your everyday life and give things and not only a second chance in the meantimecontributing to a cleaner planet and reducing excess consumption